SNS Operation

Inbound Support


We analyze the data using our own platform.
Providing best solutions to meet customers’ problems.

Reviews and Behavior Data Analysis of Foreigners Vising Japan


Gather over 40 million social data from websites in and out of Japan.
We collect and analyze customers’ “real voice” posted data of various categories such as SNS, blogs, video sharing site, NEWS, review site, and then evaluate “what’s being talked about” regarding on brands and products.

Obtaining SNS posted data from weibo and Twitter.

37 languages are supported.

Able to collect and analyze customer reviews, behavior data, where and what’s been posted.

USER’S VOICE 株式会社アドップ adop Inc.

Obtaining Attributes and Promoting Stores to Foreigners Vising Japan

STAMP RALLY (WEB) & Questionnaire

Participating in digital stamp rally events by logging into a social media.
Setting stamp spot in facilities and stores, and then carry out stamp rally
Improving accessibility to tourist facilities and local areas, promoting shops and make a full use of the region for regional revitalization.
After conducting, we collect the big data (web posts data), analyze and make a report to the client.

Understanding trends of individual attributes, sightseeing sites and travel routes, items purchased and the place of purchase.

Collecting users’ SNS posts data and registered data.

Based on the data collected via questionnaire from each nationality, can obtain user list that allow to approach after returning home.

STAMP RALLY (WEB) & Questionnaire 株式会社アドップ adop Inc.

Obtaining Attributes / Behavior Analysis / Route Analysis

2018 Nov Renewal Release

Using the travel record App, collecting data of detailed behavior and route information. The App provides information of recommended locations, photo uploads and comment functions. During the usage of app, the data will be running in the background so you can follow how tourists move around the region depending on the data amount of travelling range.

Using high-precision GPS to measure in details as to where tourists go.

Based on questionnaire carried out via app from each nationality, you can understand the characteristics of users.


Expanding recognition of products, service and brands


Instant win is a social media contest or campaign that you know the election prize instantly online. These campaigns will increase followers rapidly and allow wider users to know more about the facilities, products, shops and services.

As the entry condition is to “Follow & Retweet”, it is possible to increase the follower number.

You can earn an explosive number of followers as the participation threshold is low.

SNS INSTANT WIN 株式会社アドップ adop Inc.

SNS Operation Service

We offer comprehensive support from setting up an official account to operation and advertisement, creating high engagement between companies and consumers.
Our service is based on the achievements of SNS operation for companies, administrative offices and local governments such as airports, government offices and large commercial facilities.
We apply our abundant social media operation achievements and know-how knowledge using SNS as an essential promotion tool to stimulate customers, and all is provided in one-stop service.

Facebook, WeChat, Weibo, Instagram

We exercise our own business progress schedule and flow from abundant achievements. We will elevate your whole SNS operation work smoothly and reliably.

We avoid problems by adopting overseas distinctive crisis management method, and using our own original crisis management calendar and inbound SNS comment policy.

SNS Operation Service 株式会社アドップ adop Inc.

Available Countries:
China (Simplified Chinese)・Taiwan, Hong Kong (Traditional Chinese)・Korea (Korean)・Thailand (Thai)・Malaysia (Malay)・Indonesia (Indonesian)・America, Europe (English)、Portuguese、Spanish

Inbound Support

We offer total support according to clients’ problem by providing designs according to market needs, high quality translations, attracting customers and solutions to instore congestion, survey research via web advertisements, overseas media purchase and varieties of web campaigns.

System structure according to client’s problem.

Delivering online adverts available in many countries.

High quality translation
*Available countries: America, Europe, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia

Inbound Support 株式会社アドップ adop Inc.